The Times Square ball takes its final test for New Year’s Eve

NEW YORK (AP) — The crystal-covered ball that descends a pole in Times Square to ring in the new year was taken for a test run Monday as New York City officials laid out their plans for the iconic New Year’s Eve event.

Officials flipped a switch to light up the dazzling geodesic sphere – weighing nearly 6 tons (5.4 tons) and featuring 2,688 crystal triangles – which then successfully ran up and down a 139-foot (42-meter) pole at the top of the One Times Square skyscraper.

Monday’s rehearsal was just one of many promotional events before the ball-drop: On Sunday, fistfuls of confetti were hurled at crowds in the square in anticipation of the 3,000 pounds (1,360 kg) of brightly colored paper that will fill the air at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Some of these pieces will contain wishes written by people before 2025.

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“This is the crossroads of the entire planet right here in New York City,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams said earlier Monday as he and law enforcement leaders discussed their plans for security at the celebration. “People are tuning in at different places and celebrating as we count down to the new year.”

Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch said that while there were “no specific credible threats” against the Times Square celebrations, “the public can expect to see a tremendous amount of police resources deployed throughout the area and across the city.” The plans range from “dedicated pickpocket teams” patrolling the square to closing all post boxes and vending machines in the area.

A New Year’s ball has fallen in Times Square for nearly 120 years, with the exception of 1942 and 1943, when nightly “dimouts” took place during World War II to protect the city from attack.