Last year’s deceased Strawberry Pop-Tart Rose From the Dead during this year’s Pop-Tarts Bowl

There is no bigger sporting event on the planet than the Pop-Tarts Bowl. We need to ask the Cotton Bowl to kick the rocks and replace it as part of the College Football Playoff rotation with the love letter to college football and American culture that is the Pop-Tarts Bowl. Taking part in this game should be the highest honor in sports.

We thought we’d seen Strawberry’s final moments last year when he lowered himself into the giant toaster before being devoured by the Kansas State football team.

But alas, he has defeated the grave and returned to his rightful home. This football game has it all.

This is the greatest bowl game ever. All the defense contractors and lawnmower companies that pay a lot of money to sponsor these bowl games should do everything in their power to hire someone in charge away at the Pop-Tarts Bowl because those guys are actually getting a return on their investment and at the same time create one of the world’s best sporting events. Today’s game is only halfway done and has already featured a pie allegory about Jesus Christ, other pop pies tearing off their own wrappers, and 56 points in the first half.

God bless college football.