Pronóstico del clima en Houston para este martes 19 de noviembre

The climate in Houston, Texas is on the 19th of Novembercon cielos despejados y apenas presencia de nubes. According to the latest information from the meteorological part provided by AccuWeather, the temperature will reach 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28ºC) the maximum lasting for the day, while during the night it will drop to 57 mino Fahrenheit (1imaºC) (1imaºC).

The probability of rain for these fringes of the day will be between 5 and 2 percent. La sensación térmica, esto es, “temperatura real” around 82ºF (28ºC) the maximum and 82ºF (28ºC) the minimum.

At this time of the year in Houston, the dawn will take place at 06:50 h, while the crepúsculo will occur at 17:24 h. Wind gusts will reach 6.84 mph maximum a day and 10.56 mph at night.

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¿What is the climate in Houston?

The climate of Houston, Texas is a unique climate that is very worthwhile and disadvantageous. Por ejemplo, sus verano’s son realente calurosos pero sus invierno’s son suaves. The sun shines almost all year, so the climate of the city is usually pleasant. But it is also a city at risk of suffering natural disasters, mainly in the season of hurricanes.

Temperature averages in Houston range from 49 °F (9 °C) and hot and 90 °F (32 °C) and verano. Los meses de más calor que comentábamos sun junio, julio y agosto y los más fríos diciembre, enero y febrero. In addition, the city receives 39 inches of rain per year.

Humedad y calidad del aire in Houston

Al estar próxima al Gulfo de México, the humidity of Houston tends to be high. Para looks concrete, la humedad relative en Houston oscila entre el 50 y el 90%lo que hace que la temperatura parezca más alta de lo que es en realidad.

The quality of the air in Houston tends to be good, although a menudo can be affected by the contamination of factories and refineries in the city. Por desgracias, the city also presents high values ​​of ozone during the summer months, which can be problematic for people with respiratory pathologies.

Natural disasters in Houston

Ja sabemos que Houston is a city at risk of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods. Los huracanes son is a potential amenaza para la ciudad y pueden causar importantes daños e incluso pérdidas de vidas humanas. In addition, the city is also prone to flooding due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and its low-lying areas.

In the end, Houston también está en riesgo de sufrir tornados, aunque con menor probabilidad que los huracanes or las inundaciones. Los tornados pueden causar pérdidas material important e incluso provocare heridos. Es importante estar preparato para cualquier catástrofe natural que pueda afectar a la ciudadpara lo cual se desienaron plans de actuation en caso de ser necesario.

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