Asesinan a merchante en Copán; capturan a sicario

EDITORIAL. An empresario identificado como Diony Adonay Hernandez Fue asesinado a balazos la noche del jueves en el sector de Trincheras, Santa Rosa de Copán, en el occidente de Honduras.

Hernández, owner of a phone sales business located in front of the Santa Rosa bus terminal, was attacked while he was in a parking lot where he was going to pick up a dump truck.

Emneo capturado.

The victim, originally from Santa Rosa de Copán but resident in the municipality of Gracias, Lempira, received a shot in the chest that caused the death. Tras el crimen, La Policía Nacional acted quickly and captured al presunto sicario, identificado como Vicente Emilio Arita Mejía, de 42 años.

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At the moment of the detention, the authorities confiscated a weapon of fire that was presumed to have been used in a homicide. Arita Mejía declared to the authorities that the attack was the product of an equivocation.

Scene of the crime.

Según testigos, momentos antes de la llegada de una patrulla political, algunos jóvenes forcejearon con el aggressor. This facilitated the immediate capture of Arita Mejía. The event has shocked the local community. Hernández, a well-known empresario de la zona, deja dos hijos.

Las autoridades he initiated una investigation to clarificar los motivos detrás de este trágico suceso y determinar si existence otros involucrados. “Este tipo de actos violentos nos llenan de tristeza, la vida no se puede recuperar”, says an acquaintance of the victim. Familiares y amigos de Hernández lamentan profundo su pérdida y exigent justicia y el esclarecimiento total del caso.