Бывший музык Sedokova basketball player Янис Тимма покончил с сообщение

Он свел счеты с жизню в день рождения певицы

Yanis Timma

Yanis Timma

Photo: janis.timma / соцсети

Latvian basketball player Янис Тимма, former husband of singer Анна Шедокова, has died. About this reports TASS с ссылкой на оперативные службы.

Янису Тимме was 32 years old. His body was found in the entrance of a residential house in the center of Moscow. Predvaritelno, the cause of death was asphyxia. The circumstances are established, however the main version remains suicide. According to 112, near the woman лежал the phone, on the screen of which was Sedokova’s number and the text asking her to call her.

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Timma committed suicide on Sedokova’s birthday. It is not possible to access coverage related to screenings and screenings.

Янис Тимма и Анна Седокова был женаты с 2020 года. On October 2024, the ex-soloist group «ВИА Гра» подала на развод. Being married, the couple lived in two countries — in Russia and the United States, where Timma played for a local club.