Weather forecast in Houston for this Wednesday, November 20

The climate in Houston, Texas, for este miércoles 20 de noviembre se desarrollará con cielos totally despejados. AccuWeather is part of meteorological weather conditions when the temperature drops down to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21ºC) in maximum intervals during the day when the temperature can be recorded at 46 degrees Fahrenheit (8ºC) minima.

For otra su parte, la sensación térmica, esto es, “temperatura real” around 70ºF (21ºC) the maximum and 70ºF (21ºC) on the minima.

En esta época del año in Houston, a amanecer will begin at 06:51 h, while the atardecer will occur at 17:24 h. Wind gusts will reach 11.18 mph maximum a day and 9.32 mph at night.

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¿What is the climate in Houston?

It is quite clear, which is the climate of Houston, Texas, is indispensable. With hot summers and mild winters and sun almost all year, por lo que el clima de la ciudad es habitualmente placentero. Sin embargo es una ciudad pronesa a sufrir catástrofe naturales, particularly en la época de huracanes.

The media temperature in Houston has a temperature of 9 °C (49 °F) and a temperature of 32 °C (90 °F) and a veranda. Los meses más cururosos que mencionamos sun junio, julio y agosto y los más fríos diciembre, enero y febrero. In addition, the city suffers from precipitation that reaches 39 inches per year.

Humedad y calidad del aire in Houston

Due to the proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, the humidity of Houston suele sees significant alta. Concretely, su humedad relative varía entre el 50 y el 90%lo que conditionina nuestra percepción de temperatura, sintiéndola más elevada de lo que es en realidad.

The air quality of Houston tends to be good, although perhaps it could be affected by the contamination of the numerous factories and refineries in the city. Por desgracias, the city also experiences high levels of ozone during the hottest months, which is not beneficial for people with respiratory illnesses.

Natural disasters in Houston

As mentioned, Houston is a city at risk of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods. Los huracanes son is a potential amenaza para la ciudad yy éstos pueden provocare importantes daños y pérdidas de vidas humanas. In addition, the city is also prone to flooding due to its location near the Gulf of Mexico and its low-lying areas.

Finally, Houston también puede sufrir tornadoes, aunque con menor frecuencia que los huracanes or las inundaciones. Los tornadoes pueden causar daños materiales y incluso provocare víctimas mortales. It is important to prepare for a natural disaster that is part of the city in order to find the local organism needed to supply a plant.

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