Rumor: Nicolas Cage and John Travolta return in Face Off 2 – Face/Off 2

According to new reports, both Nicolas Cage and John Travolta are ready return in the sequel to the action classic Face Off. The film, which will be directed by Adam Wingard, is expected to focus on the adult children of Castor Troy and Sean Archer.

That means Cage and Travolta will likely have supporting roles, and even Wingard has previously stated that he would only make the film if the original cast was willing to return, which is rumored to be the case. Production is still in the early stages, and plot and release date details have yet to be announced.

Are you looking forward to another Face Off movie with Cage and Travolta?

Face/Off 2
“I don’t know what I hate wearing more: your face or your body. I mean, I enjoy *boning* your wife, but let’s face it, we both like it the other way, yeah ?So why don’t we trade it back”.