Christmas Day weather in Asheville: No snow in the forecast


(This story has been updated with additional information.)

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? The National Weather Service is here to burst your bubble.

Most North Carolina residents know that Christmas Day is generally a long time to expect snow. In fact, the last real snow in the western NC area at Christmas — aside from isolated areas including Asheville — was over a decade ago. This year, the region may see some less than sunny weather on December 25, but it won’t be white.

Here’s what NWS meteorologists said about Christmas weather in Asheville and WNC in 2024.

Christmas Day weather in Asheville 2024

Parts of WNC will see some precipitation on December 25th this year. However, NWS meteorologist Doug Outlaw told the Citizen Times that it comes in the form of a 30%-40% chance of rain in Asheville and surrounding areas.

In general, conditions on Christmas Day are expected to be mostly cloudy with a temperature of 54 degrees, far too high to keep snow on the ground.

When was the last white Christmas in Asheville?

“The last Christmas snow for the general area, including the North Carolina mountains and even down into the Greenville area, was back in 2010,” Outlaw said. “So that was 14 years ago.”

While larger areas of the region may not have seen heavier snow for Christmas since 2010, records (and memories of the region’s residents) show that a white Christmas occurred in Asheville itself in 2020.

What is the average temperature on Christmas Day in Asheville?

Christmas Day in WNC is generally relatively warm, according to 30-year normals. Outlaw said 50 degrees was the standard high for the date in Asheville itself, while the standard low was just below freezing at 30 degrees.

Iris Seaton is the trending news reporter for the Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA TODAY Network. Contact her at [email protected].