Disaster Thriller ‘La Palma’ is number 1 on Netflix

Set on the picturesque island of La Palma, the high-stakes thriller follows a family embarking on what was supposed to be a dream holiday. When they arrive, they find that a nearby volcano, called Cumbre Vieja, is on the verge of a devastating eruption. As the threat of a natural disaster looms over their heads, they must convince those around them to take immediate action.

Before you make assumptions, you should know La Palma is *not* based on a true story. However, it is inspired by a real place. The island of La Palma actually exists, and Cumbre Vieja is considered the most active volcano in the Canary Islands (it last erupted in 2021). Still, the fictional plot doesn’t make the series any less gripping – just watch the trailer below to see for yourself.