Ozzy Osbourne shares his wild views on Christmas

Ozzy Osbourne shares his wild views on Christmas

Ozzy Osbourne shares his wild views on Christmas

Ozzy Osbourne, a famous singer, songwriter and media personality, recently got candid and revealed his true feelings about Christmas and beer consumption habits.

While having a conversation with the sun, the 76-year-old singer said: “I’ve been saying to Sharon forever, ‘F***** Christmas, I hate it’. It’s for shopaholics and kids and so I’ve always wanted to work through Christmas.”

Considering his drinking habits, the Paranoid the singer added: “When I used to drink booze and get up, I bought myself a 28 liter barrel of booze. I drank it before Christmas Eve.

Moreover, while giving an interview to Blackshed light on his alcohol consumption, going on to remark, “I thought I was going to drink until the day I die.”

Ozzy admitted he’s “happier” but he’s “not completely sober,” saying, “I use a little bit of marijuana from time to time.”

“I’m lucky my wife kicked my ass all the time. She would f**** make life so hard,” it Dreaming concluded the hitmaker.

It is pertinent to mention that despite being a heavy drinker, Osbourne has won a Grammy Award in 2023 for his rock album Rock number 9which he dropped on September 9, 2022.