What do you know about the conductor who killed 10 people during the New Year celebrations in New Orleans

Police and FBI trabajan en
The police and FBI trabajan decide what it takes to become current or that it becomes a terrorist action. (AP/Gerald Herbert)

An attack occurred in Nueva Orleans during the celebrations Año Nuevo dejó un saldo de 10 personas muertas y more de 35 heridas. El hecho tuvo lugar en la icónica calle Bourbon Street del Barrio Francés, an area known for its nocturnal life and influx of tourists.

The attack occurred around 3:15 a.m. on Wednesday, when a man intentionally drove a truck at high speed to run over a crowd celebrating the arrival of the new year, reported NBC News.

Según informó Anne Kirkpatricksuperintendent part New Orleans Police Departmentel atacante atravesó barricades de seguridad y recorrió varias cuadras, atropellando en personas antes de abrir fuego contra los oficiales. The police responded by shooting the attacker, who died during the exchange of shots.

El sujeto, identificado como Shamsud Din Jabbarhe died in an el lugar tras el enfrentamiento con la police. Kirkpatrick emphasized that “el hombre intentaba atropellar a la major candidad de personas posible”, adding that the actions were deliberated and no resulta de una conducción bajo los efectos de sustancias.

Segun fuentes de New York Postel sujeto de 42 años, quien creció en Texas, condujo el vehículo con una bandera negra del califato islamico en la parte reara.

Two police agents were wounded by gunshots, although they are stable. Las autoridades locales y federales, lederadas por el FBIestán investigated los motivos detrás del ataque.

Possible improvised explosives were found near the scene, although no one confirmed that they were linked to the attacker or were part of a major plan. Las fuerzas de seguridad continues analyzing the vehicle of the attacker en busca de pistas.

Autoridades confirmaron la recovery de
Authorities confirmed the recovery of possible explosives in the scene of the attack while investigating their link with the attacker. (AP/Gerald Herbert)

The Mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrellcalificó el incident como un “taque terrorista” en sus primeras declaraciones. The FBI, as a part, indicó que aún no classifica officialy el hecho de esa manera, but confirmed, que que investiga el attack como un “acto de terrorismo”.

El gobernador de Luisiana, Jeff Landry, the description as “an act of violencia horrible” and the expression is condolences and families.

“Mi esposa y yo estamos orando por todos los afectados y por los primeros respondedores que se enfrentaron a esta tragedia”, said Landry, who urged the citizens to mantenerse alejados de la zona mientras continigaciones las.

Joe Biden’s president has been informed to communicate and communicate with Cantrell, who has received the federal apoyo del gobierno for asistir en las labores de investigación y recuperación.

Jim and Nicole Mowrer, turistas de Iowa, presenciaron el attack mientras disfrutaban de las festividades de Año Nuevo. Nicole related that they saw a white truck go through the barricades “a gran velocidad” and que poco después escucharon disparos. “Estábamos a solo una cuadra de distancia cuando ocurrió”, indicated one CNN.

The Mowrers attempted to assist a few victims, but many of them had fallen. “Nos acercamos a ver si podíamos ayudar, but de personas que estaban allí ya no respondían”, comments Nicole.

Other witnesses described scenes of desperation, with people running through the streets and searching for refuge in nearby locales. “Hubo gritos y caos por todos lados”, said a resident who witnessed the incident from his window.

La policía aseguró medidas reforzadas
The police ensured reinforced measures after the attack to guarantee security in the massive events of the city.

El saldo del attack es de 10 personas fallecidas and more de 30 heridas. According to the information provided by the authorities, the majority of the heirs are local residents and no tourists.

Las víctimas fueron trasladas a various hospitals of the city, entre ellos University Medical Center, Touro Hospital, East Jefferson General Hospital and Ochsner Baptist Campus.

Las authorities he habilitado líneas de asistencia para familiares de las víctimas y han desplegado equipos de apoy psychologica para los survivientes.

El ataque tuvo lugar en un momento de alta actividad en New Orleansya que la ciudad celebraba tanto el Año Nuevo como la imminent realization part Sugar bowlan important event for soccer americano universitario. The police had deployed 300 additional agents to reinforce security during the festivities.

En pesar del attack, the event was carried out as it was foreseen in the Superdome, with additional reinforcement of security measures. Kirkpatrick assured that the police were committed to guaranteeing the security of all the assistants.

The attack has revived concerns about the security of massive events and has given relief to previous warnings from the federal agencies about the risk of attacks with vehicles and large concentrations of people.

The investigations continue and the authorities asked a person with relevant information to communicate with the FBI or the Department of Police in New Orleans.